Notice of Postal Ballot dated 19.03.2024 | |
Results of Postal Ballot declared on 03.04.2024 | |
Appointment letter_E.K Bharat Bhushan | |
Notice of Postal ballot 07.02.2024 | |
Results of Postal Ballot Declared on 28.12.2023 | |
Notice of Postal Ballot dated 13.11.2023 | |
Draft Appointment Letter_Ms. Pratima Ram | |
Draft Appointment Letter_T C Suseel Kumar | |
Draft Appointment Letter_Mr. Sankaran Nair Rajagopal | |
We would like to inform you that SEBI has introduced Arbitration Mechanism in Stock Exchange, for dispute redressal against Listed Company / Registrar to the Issue and Share Transfer Agents (RTA). SEBI had vide its Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2022/76 dated May 30, 2022 issued a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for dispute resolution under the stock exchange arbitration mechanism for disputes between a listed company and/or registrars to an issue and share transfer agents and its shareholder(s)/investor(s). If you have any dispute against the Company and or its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) on delay or default in processing your request, as per SEBI circular dated May 30, 2022, you can file for arbitration with Stock Exchange. For more details, please see the web links of the stock exchanges- BSE - NSE - We would also like to once again bring to your attention that SEBI vide its circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 03, 2021 has mandated that all the folios have to be KYC compliant and accordingly, asked the investors to register their PAN, KYC details and Nomination with the RTAs. SEBI has also directed that RTAs shall not process any service requests or complaints received from the holder(s) / claimant(s) till PAN, KYC and Nomination documents/details are registered. Hence we request you to please register/update your PAN, KYC and Nomination details with our RTA, if not already done. For more information visit -> Investor Services -> Downloads -> KYC -> Formats for KYC. | Download |
Video of 28th Annual General Meeting | |
Proceedings at the 29th Annual General Meeting(Video Recording) | |
Declaration of Voting Results under Regulation 44(3) of SEBI(LODR)Regulations,2015 | |
Annual Report 2020-21 | |
Annual Report of 30th AGM 2021-22 | |
06-04-2015 - Share Holding Pattern | |
Scrutinisers Report 10-09-2014 | |
Postal Ballot Form | |
Results of Postal Ballot | |
AGM Notice 2014 | |
AGM Notice 2014 - Addendum | |
Postal Ballot Notice | |
Postal Ballot & e-voting notice | |
Scrutiniser Report | |
Postal Ballot Form | |
Covering Letter BSE | |
Revised Report of Postal Ballot | |
Corrigendum - 21.07.2015 - Business Line | |
06-04-2015 - Share Holding Pattern | |
Newspaper Add Business line | |
Manappuram AGM Notice 2014-15 | |
Corrigendum - Mathrubhumi | |
Newspaper Add Mathrubhumi | |
Corrigendum - 21.07.2015 - Business Line | |
Postal Ballot Form | |
Postal Ballot Notice | |
News paper advertisement for board meeting - Mathrubhumi | |
Intimation of news paper advertisement in relation with Annual General Meeting | |
Declaration of Voting Result 11.08.2016 | |
Proxy Form | |
Postal Ballot Form | |
Clarification for shareholders | |
Intimation of newspaper advertisement of postal ballot notice | |
Intimation - Postal Ballot form and Notice | |
Intimation of Schedule of Analyst / Institutional Investor Meeting 08.12.2016 | |
Details of Shares to be Transferred by the company to IEPF | |
Notice for 25th AGM | |
Postal Ballot Form | |
Postal Ballot Notice | |
Postal Ballot Voting Result | |
Business Responsibility Report 2017-18 | |
Attendance Slip For 26TH AGM | |
Notice For 26TH AGM | |
Mandatory Dematerialization for Transfer of Securities | |
Postal Ballet Form 21st Feb 2019 | |
Postal Ballet Notice 21st Feb 2019 | |
Business Responsibility Report | |
Attendance slip for 27th AGM | |
Declaration of AGM Voting Result | |
Scrutinizers Report on Postal Ballot and E-Voting 29th March 2019 | |
Proxy Form For 26TH AGM | |
Notice For 26TH AGM | |
Attendance Slip for 25th AGM | |
Proxy Form for 25th AGM | |
Business Responsibility Report for FY -2016-17 | |
AGM Notice | |
Attendance Slip | |
Proxy Form for 27th AGM | |
TDS on Dividend | |
Attention Shareholders-TDS Impact on Dividend and Form 15G&H | |
TDS on Interim Dividend 2021-22 | |
Notice for 29th AGM | |
Notice for 28th AGM | |
Annual report 28th AGM | |
Notice for 27th AGM | |
Voting Results of 29th AGM | |
Attention Shareholders - SEBI Circular dated 03.11.2021 - Common and Simplified Norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination as on 04 Jan 2022 | |
Attention Shareholders - SEBI Circular dated 03.11.2021 - Common and Simplified Norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination as on 04 Jan 2022 | |
Scrutinizer Report of postal ballot result published on 04.02.2023. | |
Attention Shareholders: SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated 16th March, 2023 - Common and simplified norms for processing investor’s service requests by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination. | |
Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2022-23. | |
Amendment Proposed in the Articles of Association. | |
Postal ballot notice dated 04.01.2023. | |
Proceedings and Voting Results of 30th Annual General Meeting | |
Notice of Postal Ballot_2022 | |
Scruitinizers report of postal ballot result pulished on 12.12.2022 | |
Postal Ballot Results | |
Communication to holders of Securities in physical mode. | |
Intimation of Postal Ballot Result dated 05.07.2016 | |
Intimation of proceeding of Annual General Meeting dated 10th August 2016 | |
Attention Sahreholders - SEBI Circular dated 25.01.2022 - Issuance of Securities in dematerialized form in case of Investor Service Requests. | |
Communication to holders of Securities in physical mode | |
31st AGM Notice 2022-23 | |
News paper advertisement for board meeting - Business Line | |
31st Annual Report 2022-23 | |
Business Responsibility Report | |
Attention Shareholders - SEBI Circular dated 03.11.2021 - Common and Simplified Norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination as on 04 Jan 2022 | |
Attention Shareholders - SEBI Circular dated 03.11.2021 - Common and Simplified Norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination as on 04 Jan 2022 | |
Attention Sahreholders - SEBI Circular dated 25.01.2022 - Issuance of Securities in dematerialized form in case of Investor Service Requests. | |
Communication to holders of Securities in physical mode. | |
Notice for 30th AGM |